Services – help with getting started

When it comes to studying Scripture, sometimes we have difficulty knowing where to start. Let me break it down in sizeable chunks so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. Learning about the Creator and the world He made for us is exciting and I promise you that the only difficult step is the first one!

Living a life that is pleasing to God may start with acknowledging His presence, but if you never go deeper you are limiting your potential for greater happiness and a life of abundance. Let me show you, one step at a time, the whys and hows of following His perfect will for our lives.

If you would like someone to help guide you on a more personal level or maybe just desire an accountability partner, let me help you. I know the discipline it takes to study and the roadblocks you will face. Those around you will be challenged and convicted by your simple acts of obedience, but with me as your gentle and loving mentor you will not feel alone in your journey.
Do you need prayer?
You don’t have to feel alone…let me help.
Steps to an Elevated Life
Step 1
Realize that there is an end to your own abilities and that there is a higher power than yourself. This is the Creator, the God Most High, whose greatest desire is a relationship with His creation.
Step 2
Tell Him that you acknowledge Him and that you want His influence in your life. Talk to Him in your mind, out loud, or even in song. It really IS that easy!
Step 3
The only way you can truly get to know the Creator is by reading His story. The foundational source is in the first five books of the Bible, known as the Torah. Some people only think of it in a negative way, as Law, but it really means “instructions”. Everything He wants us to do is written there and again confirmed in the rest of Scripture.
Step 4
This is where the rubber meets the road…you must DO. You must put into action what you have learned. An elevated life of faith is demonstrated to others by the way you live. Don’t be afraid…He is with you every step of the way!