Prayer – Plugging into the Power Supply

For immediate comfort, on-demand prayers will give you the peace you need without waiting for anyone else to help. It’s just you and God (with a dose of intercessory prayer mixed in).
Learn how to pray, including traditional Jewish prayers that are recited every day or week by faithful Jews around the world. This is another way to feel the connection with His chosen people and as joint-heirs by faith, we can join in the process of calling back our Messiah through prayer.
Want to learn how to pray?
It is easier than you think!
Prayer on Demand
You no longer need to let embarrassment stand in your way. Listen to words of comfort below that most closely matches your need.
When there is an illness with you or someone you love and you would like to ask the Lord for His healing touch
Difficult Circumstance
When you or someone you know is in a difficult situation and you need the Lord’s wisdom and guidance to get through it
When you are in a situation that could bring you or a loved one into harm’s way and you need the Lord’s protection
You’re not sure what is wrong but you feel some uneasiness in your spirit and need discernment from the Lord
There is a family situation that is bringing discomfort and you need the Lord’s help to bring resolution
You just want to express joy and to acknowledge and thank the Lord for the wonderful things He has done in your life
Daily Prayers
One of the first steps to an elevated life is giving thanks for all that we have, even the smallest things. When we begin to see all things as blessings from God and steps in our spiritual growth, the more thankful we become and our life balance changes from negative to positive.
The following prayers, some of which I have condensed*, are easy to implement, especially when done one at a time.
Shema – the most important prayer
Hear, O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One.
Blessed be the Name, the glory of His kingdom is forever and ever.
Prayer over bread
Blessed are You Adonai our God, King of the Universe
Who brings forth bread from the earth.
Prayer over wine or juice
Blessed are You Adonai our God, King of the Universe
Creator of the fruit of the vine.
Morning prayer upon waking
I thank You, living and eternal King,
for giving me back my soul in mercy.
Great is Your faithfulness.
Bedtime Prayer
Blessed are You Adonai our God, King of the Universe,
Who makes the bond of sleep fall on my eyes, and slumber on my eyelids.
May it be Your will, Adonai my God and God of my fathers,
that You make me lie down in peace and rise up in peace.
Let not my imagination, bad dreams or troubling thoughts disturb me.
Enlighten my eyes lest I sleep the sleep of death.
Blessed are You Adonai, who gives light to the whole world in His glory.
Traveler’s prayer
May it be Your will, Adonai our God and God of our fathers,
that You lead us to peace, guide our footsteps to peace,
and bring us to our desired destination for life, happiness, and peace.
May You rescue us from the hand of every enemy or ambush on the way,
and from all kinds of trouble that happens in this World.
Hear the voice of our supplication, for You are the Almighty
Who hears prayers and supplication.
Blessed are You Adonai, Who hears prayer.